McD Mateos Covers McDonald’s D.C. Big Mac Special Sauce Giveaway

On Thursday, January 26th, McDonald’s gave away 10,000 bottles of Big Mac Special Sauce in select cities across the country. Each limited edition bottle was numbered and packed full of McDonald’s signature sauce that some call “liquid gold”. The giveaway celebrated the launch of the new Mac Jr. and new Grand Mac (it’s HUGE).

McD Mateos covered the anticipated D.C. giveaway and joined CBS DC Radio Host, Shack Nd Pack of WPGC 95.5 to greet customers who lined up waiting for a chance to get their own individual bottle of the coveted sauce. As soon as it hit 12 o’clock, the doors opened and in less than 15 minutes, every single bottle was gone!

Shortly after, you could find bottles of Mac Sauce up for auction on eBay ranging from $100 to $10,000…

Clearly there’s a lot of love for the renowned secret sauce.